Saturday, August 31, 2019

Advantages of Democracy Essay

Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority. Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. The ruling party has to make sure it works for its people for it cannot remain being the authority after completing its term unless re-elected by the people. This brings in a feeling of obligation towards the citizens. The ruling authorities owe their success in the elections to the citizens of the nation. This results in a feeling of gratefulness towards the people. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government. Another important advantage of democracy is that the people gain a sens e of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This gives rise to a feeling of belongingness in the minds of the people towards their society. Disadvantages of Democracy In a democratic nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. The common masses may not be aware of the political issues in society. This may result in people making the wrong choices during election. As the government is subject to change after every election term, the authorities may work with a short-term focus. As they have to face an election after the completion of each term, they may lose focus on working for the people and rather focus on winning elections. Another disadvantage of democracy is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by the philosophies of those around, a person may not voice his/her true opinion. Every form of government is bound to have some shortfalls. Different people have different views about the various political systems. Egypt The politics of Egypt is based on republicanism, with a semi-presidential system of government. Following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, and the  resignation ofPresident Hosni Mubarak, executive power was assumed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which dissolved the parliament and suspended the constitution. In 2014, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was elected as Egypt’s seventh President Egyptian parties like the Muslim Brotherhood may derive short-term benefits from the fall of regional dictatorships, much of the blame for their support can be ascribed to the authoritarianism of the last sixty years. Nasser and Sadat comes across as too sympathetic, while his assumption that the authoritarian political structure from 1952 onwards enabled Egypt’s leader to avoid a more hard-line foreign policy stance is dubious.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mentoring: Nursing and Concept Analysis Essay

Every semester students came to the surgical department for their personal and professional development. Certain members are assigned to develop the personal and professional Knowledge of the students. The mentor explains the duties and responsibilities of the nurses working in the surgical department. This semester I took up the responsibility to become mentor and associate mentor of the students. In order to understand and gain in-depth knowledge of the concept I decide to take up this subject for the study and research. Mentors are entrusted with greater responsibility and they are persons who are preparing tomorrow’s health care organisations. Mentors are responsible for preparing the younger generation to render safe, high quality healthcare to the society. If the mentor knows their subject well with deep and current knowledge and able to prepare the students well, then the mentoring is successful and mentor can feel job satisfaction and assume that tomorrow’s health system is in the safe hands. In early years of nursing, mentoring means to teach the person how to perform particular activities. In 21st century the focus of the mentoring is to develop the whole person to provide holistic care to the patient (Reed &Ground 1997) . So I take up this concept for more in-depth study and research to prepare and develop the core members of the health system. The finding suggest that mentor programme is an important aspect of nursing , when it render properly it enhances better personal and professional development. Method:-Walker and Avant’s concept analysis approach was used. Literature reviewed from 1980 to 2009. Words: Mentoring, Mentorship, professional development , Nursing  Historical Importance in Literature Cooper and Palmer(1993) mentioned about the origin of the word mentioning. In encient Greece young males to be guided with older,experienced males who were often relatives of friends of the family. The world mentor originated from the Greek Mythology, where mentor was a nurturing, educative, protective family friend developed the young boy professionally, personally and socially. His father Odysseus was fighting the Trojan war(Cooper & Palmer 1993). The term mentor is used in medicine, law and business but did not appear in nursing until the early 1980s( Andrews &Wallis 1999) . Florance Nightingale was the first mentor . In her personal letter, she adopted a motherly supportive relationship to her students. (Grossman 2007). Mentoring has become an important aspects of nurse education and clinical supervision ( Cooper &Palmer 1993). A mentor is a registered nurse, who facilitates learning, and supervises and assess students in the practice settings and helping to acquire new behaviours and attitudes(UKCC 1999). Mentorship refers to the relationship between two or more individual trying to establish professional development and safe practice . Mentorship is seen as broader, longer term harmonious relationship established between teacher and the student (Jarvis & Gibson 1997). Theses mentors had responsibility for inducting students to their clinical setting planning their learning agenda and assessing their progress. Mentors in other words were student’s key informants to the setting (Spuse 2003) The complex, intriguing concept of mentoring continues to bother authors and researchers from a variety of different disciplines as they explore the role of mentors in a range of settings that include the health, education and business arenas (Grossman 2007). Mentoring has become a high profile topic in business women’s magazines, the press and nursing, and it is beginning to find its place in current teacher preparation, and the medical profession ( Grossman 2007). Mentoring is a special role adopted by a suitably qualified member of staff who is prepared to offer support, teaching and assessment for student nurses in the clinical settings(Davis et al,1994). According to David et al(2010) Mentoring can involve a transfer of knowledge, patterns of behaviour, skills and an approach to an accumulated body of knowledge. The concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English defines a mentor as an experienced and trusted advisor’(Cooper & Palmer1993). Introduction Mentoring is a word often used by doctors, academics, the media, arts, and business people(Cooper &Palmer(1993). Now a day in nursing, this concept has an important place, in clinical area as well as education area. For Nurse teachers, nurse mangers, clinical specialists, community oriented nursing practices this concept is used to gain personal profession development. In surgical practice settings mentoring is often used to transfer the knowledge, values, and customs to the younger generations. People are selected to become mentors, but many times this concept and its uses, qualifications are not understood properlyCooper & Palmer 1993). McKenna & Sutcliffe (2007) says concept is a special vocabulary used for explaining things, events and activates of importance in the personal and professional life. The authors continue to explaining that analysing these events and activates and things are very important for the development nursing theory and quality practice. According to Chinn and Kramer (1995) theories are constructed from well developed concepts and concept analysis is used for the theory development. The writer see that policies and procedures are written, rewritten and reimplemented again and again in order to get more and accurate clarification(Mekenna &Sutcliffe2007). In the same way concepts are analyses. Studies again and again to become more acceptable to the present situation. And also concept analysis gives more clear meaning and correct direction to the fractioned . McKenna& Sutcliffe (1997) comments that if the concept is not clear it serves no purpose, and any work based on the particular concept become unclear and vague. So, this study aimed at presenting a concept analysis of mentoring using Walker and Avant’s framework (1995)cited Mckenna 2005). This study is also explains the method and characteristics of the concept. So that the nurses who practice mentoring have greater understanding of the process and able to provide the service in an effective manner. This may also help the nurses to exchange professional meaning and organisational values in a better way. Section of the concept: Mentoring According to Onchwari & Keengwe (2009) Mentroing provides more benefit than other professional development programme like workshop, seminars. Mentoring is a form of personal and professional partnership which is usually involves more experienced person guiding the less experienced person, who is new to the job, profession or practice area (Sambunjak & Marusic(2009). Earlier the vocational basis of nurse education experience was enough to become supervisors, teachers and assessors to students. More recently the concept of mentor entered in the nursing education. And the nursing educational standard changed to become more advanced. According to Peter & Neil (2000) without dedicated preparation the qualified nurses will be unable to take up specified functions competently and this could affect the learning process of the students. In hospital now some people are assigned and trained to be mentors to the students. They have undertaken specialized courses to become mentors and now they are promoting personal and professional development of the student and newly appointed staff. Historically most of the nursing institutions are operated by very strict rules and regulations. Nursing boards used to visit regularly to make sure the appropriate standard are maintained. All the students are guided by assessors or teachers and these teachers are highly respected. Nurse’s undertaken training under the strict directions of these teachers. And most of the nursing studies done in the hospital. It was not university based. The student used to follow exactly what is taught. In 1980s and 1990s the system started to change. The importance of more personal professional development has come to the profession. The role of nurses started to change and nurses needed to take up more organisational and management responsibilities. (Alison & Palmer 2000). The human development initiatives of the 1970s(Eng 1986) and the acceptance of freedon to learn approaches and adult learning theories of Rogers(1983),Kolb(1984) and Knowles(1984) cited Alison &Palmer(2000). The resulting shift in educational systems has led to find various ways of learning strategies that are directed towards making the most of human potential and stimulating learning in practice (Alison & Palmer 2000). The changes are very clear in the health system. New technologies arrived, the expectation of the society are high. In order to respond effectively to the changes, the nursing profession has undertaken new strategies and teaching methods. People are more and more responsible for self learning and their professional growth. Professional is directed towards self learning and seeking guidance if necessary. Adults are built in motivations to learn and a need to gain self confidance,self esteem and self awareness. These are important attributes for any profession, especially caring profession(Alison and Palmer 2000). Why is mentoring important to Nursing? Stewart and Krueger(1996) conducted a concept analysis of mentoring in nursing suggest that its strongest relationship is as a â€Å"teaching-learning process for the socialization of nurse scholars and scientists and the proliferation of a body of professional knowledge†(Cited Alison & Palmer 2000). Nursing profession is a practice based profession. Nurses need to transfer values, customs, and practical knowledge to others through mentoring. Through mentoring the quality of the profession is maintained and aim is achieved. Through mentoring nurses are connected and learning from each other, so that the new knowledge and technologies are shared. People who have gained knowledge through mentors appreciate role of a mentor. It is known that nurses who have been mentors tend to mentor others( Fagan &Walter 1982). Fagan & Walter(1982) have found that nurses who have been successfully mentored are more likely to mentor others when compared to those with little or no mentoring experience. Nurses can mentor each other and new graduates and students. Faculty members are mentoring students in their learning process of evidence based ractice . Doctoral student receive mentoring regarding their research . Nurse executives can mentor nurse mangers and nurse mangers can mentor staff and it goes on where ever the nurse working (Grossman 2007). They are mentoring others in one or another way. Most of the nurses think that mentoring as a mechanism for career advancement(Grossman 2007). Grossman (2007) continue to say that nurses need to think arbour their carer expanding through mentoring and gaining knowledge in order to broaden their vision in life. Mentoring can greatly benefit the profession by expanding nursing knowledge and rofession(Grossman2007). Clinical nurse specialist and clinical nurse researcher role are good opportunity to expand the nursing science knowledge. Through patient assessment nurses are able to diagnose the situation and do more research into it to acquire in-depth knowledge regarding the particular situation. So that nurses can stand alone in their own profession and can provide high quality nursing care to the patient. Every nurseling staff has a responsibility to assess,plan,implement and evaluate the highest quality care for patients. By encouraging the mentoring culture nurses can work more smart and able to work with full ability. A vision of the mentoring culture in nursing holds exceptional promise for nurses, the profession, the organisations that employ nurses and most significantly patients(Grossman 2007). And all nurses develop mentoring skills, so that they can be effective leaders in every health care delivery system and have more influence in generating positive patient outcomes in health care(Evans & Lang, 2004).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ptlls Assignment 1 Ground Rules

Edexcel (PTLLS) Michelle Brunton Theory Task One (Unit 5) – part 1 How would a teacher/tutor establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for their learners? It is important to provide a safe and supportive learning environment so that all learners feel comfortable, relaxed and able to explore learning regardless of their previous experiences. For example if student behaviour is not managed, bullying, intimidation and discrimination can occur. There are a number of methods and approaches which could be used to achieve this. Establish ground rulesIn order to create safe and supportive learning environments, it is important to agree rules and boundaries with learners. Gravells stated â€Å"Having ground rules gives a firm boundary for all learners to work within† (2008:8). Ground rules can be established in a number of ways. For example they can be dictated by the teacher/tutor or developed by the students through group exercises, designing posters to illustrate them. By establishing ground rules the learners will be more aware of what behaviour is expected of them, and therefore promotes respect between learners.In turn, this will establish a positive, agreeable and respectful environment in which to learn. According to Petty, â€Å"experiments show that classrooms become much more orderly when rules are stated, or better still negotiated, discussed and fully justified. † (2006:3) this is supported by Gravells who states that encouraging students to take part in making the ground rules, â€Å"allows the group to take ownership of their own rules, then they are more likely to keep to them† (2008:8) Build a strong classroom communityThe classroom environment allows learners to build stronger and larger networks beyond their own community. In â€Å"Evidence based teaching† Petty states â€Å"Good teacher-student relations ensure that students have a more positive attitude to the teacher and to learning, and m ake them more likely to accept rules and any disciplining. † (2006:6) The teacher/tutor can use a number of approaches to facilitate a strong classroom community such as Ice breakers, which provide students with an opportunity to share information about their backgrounds and cultures, exploring the diversity they bring to the classroom.Encouraging students to work in pairs or small groups is another way to encourage students to work with people they would not usually interact with. By building networks in the classroom, students can create supportive relationships with both peers and teachers. Valuing student diversity The classroom should provide students with an environment that is conducive to learning. Valuing diversity within the classroom encourages learners to recognise and respect the fact that people are different. Their differences could include age, cultural background, literacy and numeracy levels and learning styles.Gravells’ definition of diversity is â₠¬Å"valuing the differences in people, whether that relates to gender, race, age, disability or any other individual characteristics they may have†. (2008:18) If a student feels uncomfortable, unsafe, or not respected, then their chances of success in that class could dramatically decrease. Evidence suggests that to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment it is essential to have agreed ground rules and boundaries in place, a strong classroom community which is co-operative and supportive and a strong value for diversity within the classroom.The Teacher should create an environment which outlines clear and reasonable expectations for behaviour, has a relaxed atmosphere and where social and cultural differences are respected and cultivated as resources for learning. Word count (533) Petty G. (2004) Teaching Today 3rd Edition, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Petty, G. (2006) Evidence Based Teaching: a practical approach. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Free additio nal chapter for ‘Evidence Based Teaching’ by Geoff Petty (2006) Nelson Thornes. www. geoffpetty. com. Gravells, A. (2008) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Exetor: Learning Matters.

Examining Your Community's Source of Energy (Dallas, Texas) Essay

Examining Your Community's Source of Energy (Dallas, Texas) - Essay Example The energy produced and used in Texas comes from various sources, both renewable and non-renewable. Most of this energy however comes from non-renewable sources. In Dallas, the most common types of energy used to power homes is electricity derived from hydro, electricity derived from nuclear power, and natural gas. Electricity plays a big role in the economy of Dallas as it provides the energy that runs homes, recreational facilities, industries, and businesses. The electricity that is supplied to homes and industries in Dallas comes from Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). On the other hand, the community living in the urban parts of Dallas use natural gas especially for heating, the supply coming from various sources (piped or tanked natural gas). In general, the community has been relying on the three sources of energy for a long period of time. From the bills that we have received, our electric consumption amounts to about 583,333 Btu of natural gas and an average of 4 41 Kwh of electricity per month. This translates to about 7 million Btu of natural gas and about 5300 Kwh of electricity per year. ... (estimated number of houses in the community) Community yearly consumption of electricity = 5300 Kwh x 460698 = 2441699400 Kwh or 2441699.4 MWh Community yearly consumption of natural gas = 7,000,000 Btu x 460698 = 3224886000000 Btu Nuclear Power Nuclear energy is a non-renewable power source. It is derived from nuclear fusion or fission of radioactive fuels such as uranium. As previously stated, one of the energy sources that apply in Dallas is nuclear energy. Texas derived about 10.3 % of its energy from the South Texas Project and the Luminant’s Comanche Peak in 2006 (Combs, 2012g). The electricity generated from these nuclear sites found its way to the states’ electricity grid and was used both for domestic and industrial applications. Although quite reliable and cheap, nuclear energy is associated with many negative impacts. For one, the fuel that is used in the generation of nuclear energy is mined from the ground which means that a lot of environmental pollution occurs as a result. Although most of the uranium that is used to power the nuclear plants is imported a limited amount is mined locally. During mining of the fuel, the environment suffers massive pollution as dust mixes with air. Furthermore, during the transportation of the fuel, the air is polluted by exhaust fumes produced by the trucks that ferry the raw materials. One of the greatest challenges that the Texas community faces as a result of nuclear energy production is waste disposal. During the production of nuclear energy, a lot of heat is generated. This heat is dissipated in the air directly causing heat pollution. The cooling systems of the reactors also

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The advantages of visiting Barcelona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The advantages of visiting Barcelona - Essay Example Barcelona has great influence on commerce, arts, science, entertainment, and education. The city is a major tourist destination subject to its rich cultures, architecture, and good climate. With a Barcelona has Mediterranean climate that depicts mild, humid winters and warm, dry summers the city attracts tourist in all seasons. The city hosts over one million visitors every week (Esei International Business School 1). There are great monuments, museums, good people, galleries, and magnificent architecture in Barcelona. The beautiful historic and tourist sites include the old Boqueria market, Picasso and Mirà ³ works, Tibidabo that overlooks Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia, Barceloneta Beach, Frank Gehry's Peche, The Historic Gothic Quarter, and Marina at Villa Olimpica (Williams 1). With 1,629,990 visitors, the FC Barcelona museum is the most popular museum in Barcelona. There is a buzzing nightlife in Barcelona due to the numerous bars and nightclubs, cocktails, and casinos (Williams 1). Moreover, there is better accommodation in the city subject to the five star hotels in Barcelona. With four and a half kilometers of sandy beaches, Barcelona is one of the dominant beach cities in the world (Esei International Business School 1). The unique architecture of the city adopts a grid system. Transport in the city is through biking, taxis, metro bus or by foot (Tourist Barcelona 1). Barcelona has worst drivers and hence many people choose to walk the streets of Barcelona.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Eminent Domain Law in California Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eminent Domain Law in California - Case Study Example Supreme Court's finding in Kelo v. City of New London that the government may use eminent domain to "take" property from its owner for the purpose of transferring it to a private developer (California). However, as noted above, the issues brought into the voting arena were oversimplified by the media. Because of public concern about the possibility of rent control being phased out and the fact that both propositions were efforts to amend Article I, Section 19, of the California State Constitution, the California voters made the decision to reject the proposition that they thought might do them the most harm, namely Proposition 98. Instead of informed debate leading to eminent domain reforms, each political campaign waged in this battle focused on one issue only. Therefore, it is highly likely that further study of this issue will be necessary in an effort to determine what changes must be made to Article I, Section 19, of California's State Constitution so that the public will be pro perly served. The Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution applies to rights of persons and in terms of eminent domain states: ". . . nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation" (U.S., par. 1). This compensation clause contains the requirement that "the taking of private property be for a public use" (U.S., par. 4). ... The California State Constitution was ratified on November 13, 1849, just prior to California attaining statehood in 1850. Because of this, a new state constitution was established in 1879 (California). Over the years, there have been many amendments, which makes the California constitution one of the longest in the nation. For purposes of this paper, however, Article I, Section 19, will be discussed. Article I is based on the Fifth Amendment, and Section 19 focuses on eminent domain. Implications of Kelo v. City of New London The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005 opened discussion in California on how California law could be changed to further protect the rights of private homeowners and businesses while still using eminent domain for legitimate public purposes (Keene). Kelo found that a Connecticut redevelopment authority had the right to seize private property for hotels, shopping centers and other private developments, and it is well known that California real estate developers and hotel planners are always looking for a way to acquire land for private purposes. It was noted by the California Senate Local Government Committee that there was a similarity between eminent domain use in California and New London, Connecticut. Suggestions were made by the Committee as follows: Clarify definition of "public use." Tighten the "blight" definition in Statute. Remove or lengthen time limit to challenge a blight designation. Proposition 98 and Proposition 99 As a result of Kelo, two propositions were initiated and presented to the people of California for a vote. Neither of these propositions completely resolves the possibility that private property might be seized by the government for private purposes. There are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Kurdish People in New Turkish Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kurdish People in New Turkish Cinema - Essay Example The neo-realistic style is appropriate because the plight of Kurds is real. The films are good in terms of Kurdish culture, landscape and the vision of the Kurds. The movies praise the Kurd’s lifestyle, as it is by a Kurdish for Kurdish people. They are written and spoken in Kurdish language, thus unique as few films take Kurds as a subject matter and use the language too. International attention has also been drawn in the movies. The movies represent all aspects of Kurdish; the climate, the landscape, dressing code, behaviors, and culture in their land. The Kurds have used plays, music and films in the recent past to express themselves. The changing status of women representation in Turkey society, the effect of internal and external people and the East-West tug of war on Turkey through; faith, economics, politics, and so forth. The government has also allowed the teaching of Kurdish language in private universities. National cinema and Turkish filmmaking has received little English language attention as language equals to identity, and it is the root of any culture. Plays and art have been made to make the culture of Kurdish identified. Turkish cinema has gone under some renascence of late which gives various identities of a Turkish cinema. In Turkey, the language is mainly the contentious feature of Kurdish films. Kurdish directors have made Kurdish themed films yet it is not the official language in Turkey. In Turkey the films have shown that they can be formed and awarded. The movies â€Å"I saw the sun† and â€Å"The Breath† begins at the beginning just like many other movies. In the beginning where Muslim women could not be actors, non-Muslims minorities assumed the female role. Attention is given to women representation in film production. Directors and crew members are from Kurds who are minority and do not normally receive acknowledgement, making them to hide or down play their origins yet they have played a large role in the cinema (Mackenzie, 119). The movies appeal against discrimination and prejudice. There can be various reasons for the rise in Kurdish Cinema. International success can be classified as one of them, as they represent the lives of Kurdish people. It motivates young Kurdish people to engage in cinema and has turned into a way of self-description and liberation. This has made many young people to get film education at the university. The existence of Kurdish themed cinema started way back in 1960’s in Turkey . They portrayed eastern characters but it was only late in 2007 that it was portrayed as â€Å"Kurdish cinema†. This motivated a historical evaluation of cinematic production in Turkey by the definition of Kurdish cinema. The rise of Kurdish film directors and film critics has made the distinction between Turkish cinema and Kurdish cinema (Stanley, 276). Social issues in Turkish cinema have become a source of repression and difficult to solve. There is the issue of self-cencership and government censorship. The funding is also from European sources rather from the Turkish. The urbanization aspect has also threatened Kurdish culture as the use of mother tongue is a human rights violation thus; music, fairytales, lullabies and films from the villages are transferred from the heritage to new generations. The situation has changed considerably as there are Kurdish-language books, music, and some theatre troupe’s stage productions in Kurdish too. The films show how the Kur dish

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In sociology, why do we think of the work of Karl Marx as 'conflict Essay

In sociology, why do we think of the work of Karl Marx as 'conflict theory' - Essay Example However, this was first presented as an official theory by Karl Marx—who laid the groundwork for a number of social movements that would redefine history. From a sociological standpoint, what is meant when Karl Marx’s theory is referred to as a â€Å"conflict theory†? Usually, when one thinks of Karl Marx, he automatically conjures up thoughts of conflict theory. Why is this so? The reason is that—in some circles—Marx is thought to be â€Å"†¦the founder of conflict theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Henslin, 2007, pp. 28). Social conflict theory, is, in a nutshell, that in society, there are the rich and the poor—and that the rich are the powerful who usurp many of the resources and exploit the poor in order to gain more wealth. Marx’s theory was a wake-up call to the masses. For Marx, capitalism did not mean progress; rather, it was a scourge on the conscience of modern man, a man who was detached from the community and the communal struggl es surrounding him. Marx â€Å"†¦often saw social conflict as rooted in private ownership†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bartos and Wehr, 2002, pp. 40). The difference between the haves and the have-nots has always been a pressing social issue, becoming even more so when capitalism was the governing system. This is the kind of dominance that social theory rails against. Marx’s main idea was that the community should struggle together. The community should suffer together. ... Communist ideology gained popularity throughout the Cold War. Vladimir Lenin adopted the ideology as his own strategy to not only have the people contribute to the estate communally, but also to empower the economy of the Russian state. â€Å"Leninism was presented as the correct theory and practice of Marxism and as the theory of scientific communism, incorporating the dictatorship of the proletariat†¦Marx’s critique[s] were also reformulated as societal laws of development that fed into the study of class relations [and] production†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lowes, 2006, pp. 158). The notion that the working class was the one in control was the main staple of Communism. The people were the ones in control. â€Å"The working class had to ‘conquer’ its freedom under the flag of the Communist party† (Weitz, 1997, pp. 250). People did not own any possessions. No religious expression was allowed, and very strict laws of ethics were followed. Communism was an experim ent that failed—badly. Mann (2002) states, â€Å"Communist governments — many of them led by men trained in Moscow — are in command of nations ruling almost 800 million people† (pp. 115). There are still Communist countries existing today. â€Å"There remain at least some common features among the five remaining Communist states—China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam—although the differences between, for example, China and North Korea are enormous† (Brown, 2009, pp. 3). Many of the people in these countries subsist in squalor and have little economic or collective bargaining power. This is where socialism becomes an alternative option. Even though people may not like the idea of a Communist government, socialism

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Chasing Matisse - Art Exhibit Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chasing Matisse - Art Exhibit Critique - Essay Example The essay "Chasing Matisse - Art Exhibit Critique" states the art and life of Henri Matisse. The subject (scene) of the art exhibit can be described as a woman seated on a chair and there are some flowers that have been placed on a table at her left hand side. The woman seems to be in thought – she could be thinking of something important due to the reason that her head is positioned facing downwards. As a result, this is the main factor that contributes to the scene of the painting. Every scene is prone to have objects that have contributed to its final look. The painting â€Å"Chasing Matisse† has a number of objects that have contributed to its general outlook. These include: the chair- where the young woman has sat on; the table – where the flowers have been placed on. The combination of different objects in a painting scene is to portray a particular impression that an individual (the audience) can make out of it. As a result, the first impression that an in dividual can have from the painting â€Å"Chasing Matisse† is that the artist was portraying a woman who was sad, lonely or deep in thought. This is vividly revealed in the manner that her body has been positioned and the way that her face looks like. Colour is very essential in every art scene. The lack of colour may reveal a number of factors such as lack of feeling, lack of life etc. Additionally, the colours that have been selected matter a lot. This is due to the reason that colours are categorized into either warm colours or cool colours. Warm colours indicate depth while cool colours indicate the lack of depth. Some of the examples of warm colours that can be used in a painting include: Red, orange, brown, maroon, yellow and green. On the other hand, cool colours that can be used in any painting include the likes of blue, pink, light blue and violet. Based on the art exhibit â€Å"Chasing Matisse†, the colours that have been used include: red – for the wo man’s hair; blue, orange and black – for her clothes; maroon and blue – for the flowers. In every artistic work, there are elements of shape, line and texture. Shape can be related to the use of space in the artistic work. It can also be related to the use of geometrical shapes such as squares, circles, rectangles etc. In addition to that, shapes can also be determined by attributes such as lines, texture, colour and value. Another element in art is the use of lines. In its simplest definition, lines refer to marks that are drawn in a bid to connect two points. It is also important to note that lines are characterised by aspects such as thickness, length and line direction. Texture refers to the feel of the surface under consideration. Texture always goes hand in hand with lines and colours. In the art exhibit, it can be stated that the element of shape has been used to reduce on space. For example; the chair that the woman is sitting on has occupied a majority of the space in the painting. In the art exhibit, lines have been used to give an in depth outline of the objects in the painting such as the flowers, the vase, the surface where the vase has been placed (table) and the chair that the woman has sat on. Lastly, texture is very critical in every piece of art. With that said, the art exhibit has a smooth feel. Just as colour is an essential element in an art piece,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example The explanation as to why people behave the way they do can be different according to the perspectives of different people because they are not from a single factor of the environment but various issues in the wider organisation. Organisational behaviour is a field of study that explains the impact the different things that a person undertakes in an organisation and how they affect the relationships between them and others. This explains why individuals, groups and structures within an organisation have a great impact on the on employees and employers and the impact on the performance of the organisation. Organisational behaviour explains the effectiveness of the organisation as effects of the conduct of any individual in the organisation in doing various things that are in accordance to their mandate. This concept is used in determining the different things into which an organisation can engage so that it can improve its performance and increase its productivity and profitability. T he analysis of different relationships, the organisational culture and organisational structure of Coca Cola and comparing them with those of the PepsiCo gives an insight into the importance of these aspects of an organisation to its performance. Organisations adopt different theories that help them to establish their businesses in various areas and with prediction that it will have profitability in the future. Methodology In explaining organisational culture and structure, there are various theories that explain the kind of systems that could exist in and organisation because these determine relationships that exists between different members of the society. To help to understand the relationship that exists in a company, using the Leavitt’s model will be necessary because it explains how different systems in the organisation relate and enhance productivity in it (Brooks, 2003, p. 133). This relates the technological, structural and individuals and their roles in developing the strategies that are likely to enhance development of the people (see appendix 1). Weisbord Six-Box Model is one of the common models that will enhance the understanding of the different factors that exist in Coca Cola Company and they interact to influence performance. The model will be helpful to analyse the various incentives, rewards, and plans that a company has that helps individuals to perform well in it (Mullins, 2005, p.508). The other model that will be important in analysis of organisational behaviour by focusing on organisational structure and culture is the McKinsey 7S framework. Robert H. Waterman, Jr. and Tom Peters developed the model to help in monitoring internal changes in an organisation to explain performance potentials of an organisation. This model of analysis provides seven factors that mutually interrelate to influence the performance of individuals in the organisation and therefore, affect the outcomes of a company’s investment in a venture. The 7 S that correlate to produce a properly performing organisation with motivated employees include strategy, skills, structure, style, staff, systems and subordinate goals, which are also known as shared goals (See appendix 2). This model will help to understand the various interrelationships that happen to Coca Cola Company as an operational company within the market. Burke-Litwin model of organisation performance and change relates either the internal and external factors that affect positively or negatively the performance of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Vincent Van Gogh Essay Example for Free

Vincent Van Gogh Essay Vincent Willem Van Gogh was born 30th March 1853 in Zudert, Netherlands. He is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt ( known for his Baroque style painting ), though he had little success during his life time, Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings ) during a period of 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness ( possible bipolar disorder) and committed suicide. His fame grew rapidly after his death especially following a showing of van Gogh’s paintings in Paris on March 17 1901 (11 years after his death). Vincent grew up in a very catholic area, he was the oldest child of Theodous van Gogh, a minister of the Dutch reformed church, and Anna Cornella Carbentus. He was given the name after his grandfather, and of a brother stillborn. As an adolescent Vincent was serious, silent and thoughtful he attended Zudert village school from 1860, where the single catholic teacher taught around 200 students, he was also home schooled with his sister and later attended a school 20 miles away. As a teen he was distressed to leave his family and on 15th of September 1866 ( 13 years old ), he went to the new middle school, Willem II College in Tilburg. Constantnijn C. Huysmans, an artist from paris taught Van Gogh to draw. He continued drawing through his teens and young adult hood until he decided to become an artist. In march 1868, van Gogh abruptly left school and went back home and in july 1869, his uncle helped obtain a position with the art dealer Goupil and Cie in the Hague. After his training, Goupil transferred him to London, where he worked at Messrs. This was a happier time for him and he was successful at work and was at a young age earning more than his father. He fell in love with his landlady’s daughter, Eugenie Loyer, but she rejected him. He became increasingly isolated, and his father and uncle arranged for him to ne transferred to Paris where he became resentful at how art was treated as a commodity, on april 1st 1876, Groupil terminated his employment . He returned to england for unpaid work, the arragments didnt work so he left to become a methdist ministers assistent. At christmas he returned home and found work at the local book shop. His religious state frew he felt he needed a vacation, to support his efforts to become a pastor, his family sent him to amsterdam to study theology in May 1877 he studied for an enterence exam, which he then took and failed, feeling like a failier he went in a post missonary in a tiny village, where he wasnt happy people would say they heard him crying at night in his hut. He was later dismissed fro his dutys, and travelled back home for a year then left because of frustrations with his parents and a slight conflict between him and his father.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ecosystem Function, Structure and Change Essay Example for Free

Ecosystem Function, Structure and Change Essay Lake Tahoe is a large lake that is almost split in half by the border of California and Nevada. Lake Tahoe’s surface area is about 191, 500 square miles with a depth of about 500 meters. Lake Tahoe is listed as the 26th largest lake by volume. The vegetation around the lake supports a variety of plant life and animal life, as well as a very diverse organism community. The vegetation around the lake consists of a mixture of Jeffry Pine, lodgepole Pine, and both white and red fir’s. Vegetation also includes both wet and dry meadows and brush fields. The brush field Ceanothus has the capability of fixing nitrogen that makes the soil of the surrounding lake more fertile. There are several processes that prevail inside and outside the lake. The lake is under threat from eutrophication that can severely affect the aquatic life living in it and the surrounding vegetation. It has been estimated that there has been changes in the populations of the various aquatic animals living in the lake’s waters. Zooplankton population has faced the greatest changes. The lake experiences both winter and summer seasons, which in that area of the country can be extreme. Temperatures can go as high as 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and as low as sub-zero in the winter. The vegetation surrounding the lake experiences these temperature changes and responds to this stimulus by the change in leaf colors and leaf numbers. The seasonal changes also affect the different mammal activities and interactions in the surrounding environment. Human activity around the lake is considerably high. Historically, the area around the lake was inhabited by Native Americans. The lake, because of its natural beauty and vegetation is a great attraction spot for tourists who wish to ski and fish. Because of the surrounding human population, there have been attempts to dispose of the raw sewage away from the lake basin but this strategy has not proved to be that useful. This is because the  eutrophication levels of the lake water are rising at a considerably high rate. The nitrogen and phosphorus levels of lake are increasing because of the high amounts of these elements and their compounds in the sewage water. The phytoplankton population present in the lake’s water is a natural tool that is reducing the levels as we speak. However, the rate of this natural proves might not be able to cope with the nitrogen and phosphorus amounts in the future if per say the sewage problem is not dealt with effectively in time. [Strong, 1999] The need for effective ecological planning is essential in today’s world where industry and technology is growing at a remarkable rate. Ecological planers plan to protect the nature’s true works and work hard to promote awareness against ecological deterioration. There are several things that planning requires. The lake is surrounded by vegetation and is home to hundreds of aquatic life forms. The vegetation and the mammalian life inside it is directly dependent on the lake for food and nourishment. This is because the primary protein source shall be the fish inside the lake for the land animals. Ecologists use these types of useful information to develop plans for management and restoration. In this case, the ecologists shall consider the water quality of the lake to be of the greatest importance. They shall ensure that there is little human interference in the natural habitats of the vegetation’s animals to allow the natural ecosystem to flourish because human interferences can cause migrations. The ecologists shall calculate the area required by the lake and the surrounding vegetation and shall accordingly present the data for further use. If in the future, companies or industries aim to industrialize the area, the ecologists shall use the data to calculate the risk of opening an industry to the environment. Ecologists that use preservation techniques to help preserve natural ecosystems give often consider the importance of an ecosystem by looking for any endangered or rare species inhabiting the area. The conservation of these rare species keeps ecologists busy. Ecological interactions between species are numerous and some types of standards only occur rarely or in specific climates and/or seasons. Lake Tahoe is an example of the hundreds of natural ecosystems found on the planet. Each ecosystem has a unique setup and the organisms populating it are dependent on it in every way. The presentation of these ecosystems is a responsibility for humans. References Lake Tahoe. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Genetic Engineering of Animals: Benefits

Genetic Engineering of Animals: Benefits Animal genetic engineering has existed for thousands of years in the form of selective breeding. People have chosen desirable characteristics for appearance, survival traits, and other qualities in animals they wish to obtain in future offspring. They then bred these animals to selected mates in order to increase likelihood of offspring inheriting these desired traits. More recent definitions of genetic engineering define it as the manipulation or modification of the genetic code of selected animals to alter characteristics and to introduce certain desired traits by changing the cells genome. This can be done by adding to or deleted from DNA or substitution of certain genes. This form of manipulating DNA is a very new technology. This type of engineering was made possible over many years of research and significant findings that has led to what is now the understanding of DNAs structure, purpose, and properties. First studies of manipulation were conducted on bacteria such as E. Coli before animals were experimented with beginning in 1982 with mice. While genetic engineering is a new exciting and fascinating discovery for scientific research with unlimited range of possibilities, it raises moral and ethical concern. It is a highly controversial topic this day in age. Questions have been raised about the extent that animals can be treated to conditions and procedures considered to be unethical for humans. Debates regarding animals rights to not be inflicted with pain or caused suffering of the animal are considered against benefits for human interests. Many arguments about animals consciousness, self-awareness, cognitive and language capacity, morals, quality of life, and evolutionary status have been evaluated in hopes to find differences between humans and animals. If a moral standard could be clearly defined this could justify treating animals to extreme laboratory harms. There is a wide range of opinion regarding the weight that should be accounted to human and animal interests. At one ends of the bar there are what is called an absolutist positions, people that feel human benefits are always significantly more important to animal interests. The opposing view is that if it is certain experiments should not be conducted on humans, they should also not be conducted on animals. Within this group there are two sub categories of opinion. Some activists object to experiments which cause animals pain and suffering, while others object to all human uses of animals. In order to find common ground between the two extremes a strict set of research guidelines has been established to find morally but beneficial genetic engineering on animals. Some basic criteria for animal research are as follows. Animal housing and care are provided with proper food, water, and cleanliness. Discomfort, distress and pain are minimal using appropriate medication, and without unnecessary pain inflicted. Clear objectives and procedures are defined and carried out. All experiments using animals must undergo a protocol ethical review. Al l investigators that handle and use animals have to be appropriately trained and qualified to work with the animals. If it is necessary to administer euthanasia, is should be carried out according to good practice and used appropriately. The studies have to have a worthwhile beneficial outcome for human, animal, or medical use. Lastly the benefits of the study must justify and outweigh the harm done to the animal. Animal research is a necessary, highly beneficial to genetic research and can be ethical if conducted properly. There are a huge variety of benefits that genetic engineering in animals has provided not only for human uses but for animal gain as well as insight into evolution of species. The largest use of animals is for medical advancements. Most of the work done is applied to medical or biological research intending to understand gene function and regulation as well as study human or animal disease. Animals can be used to alter their DNA sequences to see the results. It is now known today many gene functions and causes of disorders from animal DNA analysis. The capability to replace or change single genes, or even delete them, can help investigate the natural functions of a gene, the mechanisms in the body that control it or affect it, and the relationship between genes and environmental factors. This information has provided insight to how genes function and ways to alter these genes in order to prevent diseases and disorders. The ability to investigate the genomes of mice has revealed proce sses where genes are turned on or off, and cell tissues become differentiated. Many different mouse genes have been altered to mimic human diseases are used in studying the mechanisms that the disorders are caused by, and are being used towards developing more effective treatments. Humans have greatly benefited from these findings especially in the advancements of treating diseases such as cancer. Drugs can also be tested on these genetically engineered animals to see how they will affect processes such as cell replication and destruction. These animals provide an unlimited range of knowledge and opportunity for new technology and advances in the medical field. Animal genetic engineering has also provided advances in the industrial world as well. Genetically modified farm animals were used in scientific research procedures for a range of potential and actual benefits. A better understanding of disease resistance in livestock has been found and can now be applied to other animals to produce more disease resistant livestock. Genetic modification of cows may production of milk with enhanced nutritional quality in the future. Farm animals have also been genetically modified to increase productivity, for example animal growth rate, wool quantity, or milk production. Genetic engineering has also been used to select for genetic factors associated with more viable characteristics of livestock as well as to make livestock more suitable for harsh factory farm conditions. These are just a few benefits animal engineering provides and many more will come in the future. Genetic engineering is made possible by the unique properties of DNA. DNA is a double stranded helical structured with nucleotide base pairs held together in the middle with hydrogen bonds. This weak form of bond allows the strands to separate to be replicated easily. DNA is tightly wound into chromosomes. Genes are formed by the different nucleotide sequencing on the DNA strand. These genes code for a certain trait in the organism. The genetic makeup of the organism is called the genotype; the physical or observable trait that they code for is called the phenotype. This phenotype might be an appearance, a survival characteristic, or more desirable quality for the species. Understanding of the structural and function properties of DNA allows researchers to isolate genes, and manipulate them in a variety of ways. There are numerous methods of genetic manipulation so I will only briefly discuss a few select types. DNA recombinant techniques use vectors such as plasmids and viruses that carry foreign genes into host cells. This method is most often used to alter bacterial genomes. The plasmid circles can be broken allowing new genetic material to be inserted in them. This is done by treating the bacteria and a specific gene with a restriction enzyme so ends of each will join with each other on contact. Plasmids with new genetic material can pass across the cells plasma membrane and insert the new genetic material into the bacteriums own genes. The bacteria will add the gene to its sequence and begin to produce the protein that it codes for. Viruses, which are infectious particles of genetic material, act similarly to plasmids as vectors in genetic engineering. The virus carries the gene into a host cell similar to plasmids. Researchers can choose the bacteria that have the new genes absorbed into them and use those bacteria to place the gene into the desired animal. Microinjection is a method that does not use biological vectors of plasmids and viruses. This method involves injecting genetic material with new genes into the recipient cell. When the cell is large enough, like many animal cells, the process can be done with a glass needle. After the injected genes find the host cells DNA sequence they can incorporate themselves into the strand. This is one of the simplest methods of gene manipulation. Bioballistics is a method that use metal slivers to carry the genetic material to the inside of the cell. The small metal pieces are coated with genetic material. It injects the pieces into the cell using a gun like apparatus. A perforated metal plate stops the cartridge, but the small pieces are allowed to pass through into the living cells. Inside the cell, the genetic material is carried to the nucleus and is incorporated into the cells genes. The cells take up the gene are programmed to replicate it. This is the most successful way for the insertion of genes into plant cells but can but can be used in animals as well. Genes are chemical compounds, so they can be manipulated in the same way as other chemical compounds can be manipulated. DNA molecules are large and complex, so the task of manipulation is extremely difficult. However, chemists know techniques in order to cut molecules apart and then put them back together very carefully with high technological instruments. This procedure is known as gene splicing. This method of gene splicing can happen naturally in cells during such processes as division or repair. Cells take genes apart, rearrange their material, and put them back together in a new sequence or arrangement. Discoveries show that cells have certain enzymes that can disassemble DNA molecules and put reassemble them again. Such as endonucleases which are enzymes that can cut a DNA molecule at some given sequence location. Another example is exonucleases are enzymes that can remove one nitrogen base from the DNA stand. A third type is ligases that are enzymes that can join two DNA segm ents back together. Researchers can use knowledge from these natural methods to artificially alter genes using tools such as submicroscopic scissors and glue. With these they can rearranged one or more DNA molecules by cutting them apart, reordering them, and the put back together again. There are so much undiscovered possibilities in genetic engineering that it is nearly impossible to predict what the future can hold. Some potential fields of research are more advances with stem cell research, advances in replacement organs grown form cells, new genetically altered fetuses. There will be more treatment methods for diseases as well as preventions by gene alterations. The possibilities are endless and there is a lot of research being conducted that is not even published yet. Genetic engineering in animals is of particular interest to me because my family has been in the business of genetic alterations for over thirty years through selective breeding. We own a livestock farm, raising sheep and goats primarily for livestock judging competitions, but as well as for milk production and wool production. Every year we attend approximately twenty fairs or shows throughout New England to have our animals evaluated against competition to be critiqued for desirable qualities and structure based on the ideal species score card. The judge places these animals based on which animal contains the most desirable combination of traits. In order for my family to obtain quality animals we must carefully take into consideration each judges review of the animal in order to select a mate that will compliment its strength and has a high likelihood of improving flaws in the offspring. It is a long and tedious process to improve quality of the show herd; it takes years of trial and error to find suitable mates to produce the desirable offspring. Having an understanding of how genes are inherited allows for us to choose a male mate for our females by examining his offspring and seeing the ratios of how many have the trait we are looking for and estimating if there will be a high likelihood we could obtain the trait as well. We also look at the males parents to see what the parental generation had for phenotypic traits. Although we do not use high genetic methods to create our genetically engineered livestock it is a careful science that takes years of practice in order to know how to find a mating that will give us an increase in desirable traits in order to continue to do as well as we do on the show circuits. Here is a small anecdote to show my interest in this topic: when I first took a genetics class in high school I learned how to calculate genotypes using the punnett square. This interested me so much I sat down and tried to draw a pedigree to pr edict the genotypes of my black versus white sheep and the likelihood of each of their genetic make ups based on their parents and the offspring they have produced. I was able to determine white is recessive to black and which sheep were heterozygous or homozygous for many of them. Selective breeding is a very important method for my familys business without it there would be a lot of difficulty maintaining and improving the high quality livestock show herd we have. Genetic engineering in animal species has come a long way from simple matings to complex technology manipulating genomes. There are benefits including medical advances for humans, disease prevention for animals, and industrial production gains. These benefits can be obtained as long as the research stays within the set ethical guidelines. There are many methods to alter the DNA sequence such as recombinants with vectors and plasmids, microinjections, bioballistics, and gene splicing. Genetic engineering will continue to advance and hold great promise for opportunity for future advances. Work cited Boyd Group. 1999. Genetic engineering: animal welfare and ethics. Retrived15. Nov. 2010. Monaco, Michael. Genetic Engineering in Animals. Retrieved 14, Nov. 2010.,+a+group+project/$file/animal.html Van Eenennaam, Allison. Genetic Engineering and Animals Agriculture. University of  California. Retrived 15, Nov. 2010. Union of Concerned Scientists. Genetic Engineering Techniques. 2003. Retrieved 15, Nov.  2010. West, Chad. 2006. Economics and Ethics in Genetic Engineering of Animals. Harvard  Journal of Law and Technology. Retrieved 15, Nov. 2010.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Journal - Chronicling Daily Life Experiences :: essays papers

My Journal - Chronicling Daily Life Experiences It is the start of a new year and I thought I would start a journal chronicling my daily experiences. Tonight we decided to go to the local F.O.P. lodge to a New Years Eve party. We had a pretty good time but what happened later that evening is something that I hope I don’t forget for a long time to come. Still fresh in my mind was the conversation Angela and I had on Christmas night. She was hinting that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be in a serious relationship this soon after the breakup of her previous one. If that wasn’t hard enough on Christmas she also was to ill to attend my brothers wedding with me in Madison Indiana . To add to all the confusion in my head, on my way home I stopped and got her a rose and a â€Å"happy New Years† balloon. She seemed quite touched by the gesture but also visibly troubled by it. I asked her if she was ready to have a good time tonight and she said â€Å"I was but now I don’t know.† Now what in the world does that mean! I tried applying all sorts of significant meanings to that statement but in the end I decided to just let it go and let events unfold as they would. Fast forward to 2 minutes before midnight. Angela is an absolute goddess, she is very beautiful and one of the nicest, sweetest woman I have ever met, but she is not one given to affection, especially public affection. Well at 2 minutes till she laid a kiss on me that lasted well after midnight. She absolutely blew me away!! The rest of the night was nice, we went to a couple more clubs but that moment is burned into my memory. Everything else paled in comparison. I don’t know if it is possible but I think I kissed her with my heart as well as my lips. I have heard of your â€Å"minds eye†, but tonight I found my â€Å"hearts mouth†................. January 2, 1997 I slept very happily all morning. I guess we were up a little later than I thought. I think my mind is still reeling from last night. I don’t know what I’m going to do with my self since Monday Night football is off, and Buffalo is out of the playoffs.

Monday, August 19, 2019

An Inspector Calls :: essays research papers

The finale of An Inspector Calls brought cheers but most of all it brought about confusion. It was obvious this play wasn’t going to lay out a neat plot for the audience; it was going to be a play that stays in your mind for the next few days. The intriguing part of this play was, for once, everyone didn’t just wake up, bleary-eyed to give the cast a meaningless clap. When I looked around, I saw people I would have pegged for being gone before the lights had dimmed, actually paying attention, and even more surprising, struggling after the play to comprehend the meaning. Inspector Goole’s role was clearly to make this family aware of the impact of seemingly trivial things they did in life. Sheila’s immediate reaction when she was at the store was to complain to the manager, but she realized how silly it was once Goole had pointed it out. Gerald and Eric saw messing around with â€Å"women of the town,† as they were kindly put, as merely a fun distraction, but Goole showed them how that led to pregnancy and how that can destroy a woman’s life. The husband and wife were so used to dismissing people in life that they didn’t think dismissing Eva Smith from a job and help, would matter anymore than anyone else they had brushed off. This was a family who simply acted with no conscience, and Goole was there to give them a conscience. Goole is right, â€Å"we are all responsible,† and this play served to teach their family, and the audience, a lesson. Every action we take in our lives is because of a choice we make, and we have to make sure those choices aren’t ones we are going to regret in years to come. Whether we are making fun of the autistic boy down the street, or making racist jokes, it is ultimately ourselves that we have to look in the mirror each day at and realize what we have done in our lifetime. The end of the play was ambiguous and it left the audience craving a clear and understandable ending. Were there more girls than just Eva Smith? Was Inspector Goole real? What really was real? Some people thought Goole was a spirit that had come to foretell the future, others thought there were multiple girls in the pictures, while a few thought it was the same girl just in a different pose.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Rae, We Pray For You :: essays research papers

Rae, We Pray for you â€Å"Murder in the murderer is no such ruinous thought as poets and romancers will have it; it does not unsettle him, or fright him from his ordinary notice of trifles; it is an act quite easy to be contemplated.† Ralph Waldo Emerson Is Rae Carruth unsettled? Is he bothered? Is Carruth in the contemplative mood yet? I certainly hope he is. Rae Carruth has taken away a human life. He has violated that certain enjoyment that exists in life. It is what separates the human race, from all others. Logic and reason that we possess in such high quantities as human beings apparently are lacking in Carruth’s case. It seems to make little sense, especially in Carruth’s situation. He seemed to have everything going for him, having achieved his dream to become a professional athlete and supporting his parents and relatives on this newfound fame as he had always promised. Yet, something was happening to Rae Carruth. Obviously, he was not happy with his li fe at that point. Still, murder is not exactly a sensible action, not even as a last resort to most who have their wits about them. It seemed as though Carruth felt that he had no other choice. He seemed to take the classic, â€Å"I don’t like you, so I’ll beat you up,† mantra of the playgrounds to a much harsher end in this case. With Carruth you must question many things about him, his sanity, his maturity, his intelligence, and above all his reason. Obviously, he soon realized the magnitude of his act, as he fled as a fugitive until he was caught. Murder is not a crime of chance, you have to get the deed done and correctly, that is why Carruth hired a few thugs to do the job for him. Even if Carruth did not pull the trigger, it is very clear that he is still a murderer. His fate is the question to most. This will probably not be determined until Carruth goes to trial, probably in about a year. The prosecution will seek the death penalty for Carruth and rightf ully so. In our current society today, only the most horrific of criminals usually get the death penalty because we do not operate on an eye for eye basis. In the present criminal justice system rehabilitation seems to be the operative word. It is not that Carruth is beyond rehibilition, but that he does not deserve to live.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Article Review: Learning Organizations Essay

A learning organization is any organization that uses its power to acquire knowledge while managing to stay innovative enough to remain competitive in a constantly changing environment. Learning organizations have four main objectives: To create a culture that not only encourages, but also supports an environment of continuous employee learning, critical thinking, and taking risk with new innovative ideas. Understands and allows mistakes while valuing employee contributions. Learns from their mistakes through experience, and experiment with these ideals Disseminate any new knowledge throughout the organization for rapid and successful implementation into the day-to-day activities. (, 2012) Article: Studying the Relationship between Components of the Learning Organization and Organizational Commitment (Forozandeh, Soleimani, Shah Nazari, & Nasri, 2011) Article Summary Organizational learning and the institutionalization of the learning organization are some of the most important factors of a successful business organization in today’s complicated, ever changing, and dynamic global business environment. The major capital in any learning organization is its employees and their commitment to the organization. The purpose of the article being reviewed is to study the relationship among components of the organization (System thinking, team learning experiences, Personal masters, mental models, and their shared visions) and their organizational commitment. The data collection was completed using the descriptive-field method on a cement company located in Iran; it consisted of 50 people, and was collected by means of a survey in July of 2011. Based on the results of the survey, there is a noticeable and significant relationship among every component of the learning organization and their organizational commitment (Forozandeh, Soleimani, Shah Nazar i, & Nasri, 2011). Author’s Conclusions  and Recommendations The authors of the article conclude that the results of their survey illustrate that the organizational commitment is one of the most important and effective factors in changing any organization to a learning organization. When the employees of a business have more of a commitment to the organization, the implementation of the learning organization is accepted with more facilitation, or the employees are more open to the idea. The results show that managers who want to establish a learning organization should provide the means for commitment towards the organization as much as possible. This factor will also help increase job performance and progress as well as help managers in the transformation towards the learning organization. Creating a learning organization on the other hand develops more commitment of the employees towards the organization. Reviewers Conclusion and Recommendations After reading the article, the authors conducted a survey to find the commitment to the organization and tried to establish how well the organization was creating an environment for a learning organization. Through a simple survey base of 50 employees, the authors were able to establish a link between employee commitment and the basis of a learning organization. This shows an important link between innovation and a learning organization: you have to have the commitment and dedication of the employees in order to implement an innovative and learning organization environment. Without the commitment of the employees (who are essentially responsible for carrying out any new implementations), you cannot foster a learning environment, as you will have employees unwilling to participate and be a part of the solution. This conclusion would be a factor for any organization in any business model to consider. In the new and ever changing global markets (as the market is no longer based on local or even continental markets), a company has no choice but to accept change and grow with the markets in an effort to remain innovative and competitive. To do this, you have to have a learning organization committed to and able to accept change. This will require a learning environment with the ability to learn and change as often as needed. In order to have a learning  environment, you have to have employee commitment! How these Concepts Apply to the Reviewers Organization The concepts discussed in this article would apply to any organization in many ways. The organization I work for is in the food distribution business, and one thing that is lacking is the ability to grow and become a learning organization. The organization is not willing to learn and grow with the ever-changing industry and as a result, they have begun to lose millions of dollars in business to their competition. One concept lacking in our business is the ability to change to meet the customer’s needs, they are only committed to their own wants. This environment is a perfect example for what a learning organization is not. Every suggestion to change given to upper management by the employees to help the organization or the employees are considered and essentially ignored. Some companies are not able or lack the ability to change with the environment, and shrinking sales and lack of employee commitment are the results. There is not a lack of trying from the employees, who value their jobs and want to see the company grow. However, you cannot foster a learning environment when you have a management system that is not willing to learn or change with their environment. References (2012). Learning Organization. Retrieved from Forozandeh, L., Soleimani, M., Shah Nazari, A., & Nasri, H. (2011, October). Studying the relationship between components of the learning organization and organizational commitment. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(6), 497-509. Retrieved from UOP Library October 22, 2012

Friday, August 16, 2019

It is difficult for the reader Essay

This Boy’s Life, set in America in the 1950’s, is a compelling memoir by Tobias Wolff, whom recreates the frustrations and cruelties faced throughout his adolescence, as he fights for identity and self-respect. During this period of time, America underwent major changes in the political and economic spheres, which in turn were responsible for its social makeover. Society in this time was geared toward family; marriage and children being part of the national agenda. The 1950’s was also an age of male dominance, where even if women worked, their assumed proper place was at home. Throughout the memoir, the protagonist, young Jack Wolff, makes it difficult for the reader to feel much affection towards him, as his actions prove to be troublesome and unruly. However, as the memoir progresses, Jacks struggle reveal the reasons for his actions which sequentially shape his character, providing the readers with understanding and sympathy towards his inexorable situation. The fraudulent lies and deceitful ways of Jack can be frustrating upon the reader; though we come to realise that he does this in order to be accepted by the people around him. Jack also engages in fights  and unfaithfully betrays his best friend Arthur, although it becomes evident that he only does this in order to gain Dwight’s approval of him. The lack of a real father figure in Jack’s life has a profound impact on him and his desperate attempt to develop his identity, which further supports the readers’ emotions of sympathy towards him. Jack lies relentlessly in order to escape the grim circumstances of his childhood. His life is fuelled with emotional neglect and verbal abuse; Dwight, his indignant step father, being the foremost cause. He desires of transforming himself into the person that he truly  wants to be; an image he believes will help him to belong and to be happy. The lies he tells are a constant source of comfort for him, as he relies on them to provide stability and hope in his otherwise unstable life. â€Å"I couldn’t help but try to introduce new versions of myself as my interests changed, and as other versions failed to persuade†, demonstrates an essential part of Jack’s character, as he lies in order to fit in. His identity would change with the different people he met, in order to meet their expectations of him and to obtain their acceptance. This  greatly contributes to the sympathy felt for Jack, as he renders the reality that he finds so difficult to accept as a young boy. Among many other lies throughout the memoir, Jack has the intention of creating a new identity for himself. â€Å"It was truth known only to me, but I believed in it more than I believed in the facts arrayed against it. I believed that in some sense not factually verifiable I was a straight-A student†. At this point, Jack takes his re-creation of identity to a new level. Jack is completely aware of what he is doing, although he does not stop. His incessant lies and then believing that they are the actual truth continuously reoccur throughout the memoir. This serves to show his insecurity of who he was, and his imprudent belief that he had the ability to become something better than what he was. Jacks fabricated attempts to re-create â€Å"new versions† of himself, reveal his instinctive lying nature, thus contributing to the annoyance the readers occasionally feel towards him. However, it becomes clear that Jack is confused; he wants to belong. This misperception, and yearn to fit in explicates why feelings of sympathy by the readers towards Jack are inevitable. Jack is forced to live with his violent stepfather Dwight. Dwight cruelly exercises authority over Jack, in order to create a sense of dominance over him â€Å"Dwight would dump a pile of nuts on the floor of the utility room and put me to work with a knife and pair of pliers until he judged that I’d done enough for the night†. Because of this, Jack is determined to prove to Dwight, himself and the reader that he is not the person Dwight defines him as. Jack is not hurt by Dwight’s accusations that he is a thief and liar because â€Å"I did not see myself that way†. However, when Dwight calls Jack a sissy, Jack thinks of Arthur, who is his best  friend and the biggest â€Å"sissy† in school, and remembers how the word sparked the fight between him and Arthur. Dwight treated Jack differently for a few days; with certain deference – â€Å"Dwight took the calls and explained that the papers had been ruined in a fight, adding that his boy Jack hung a real shiner on the Gayle kid. † This was the only time he expressed a genuine interest in Jack that bordered on admiration, rather than disgust. Dwight was always associated with hatred and negativity, but because of this certain deference after he fought, Jack felt a certain connection to him as a father figure. He felt as though he finally impressed Dwight, and even felt loved because of Dwight’s respect towards him. This discloses that Dwight’s actions had significant influence over Jack, as he continued to engage in these violent fights, in order to demonstrate his masculinity to Dwight. Jacks violent nature is driven by his belief that he has to prove his masculinity to Dwight. This attests annoyance within the reader; as Jack claims he â€Å"defined myself in opposition to him†, he ironically shares the traits of Dwight, such as violence and his desire to be regarded as powerful and masculine. However, Dwight’s deference towards Jack after he fought contrastingly draws sympathy for Jack from the readers, as it reveals his desire to belong; his desire to be loved. Jack’s friendship with Arthur plays a significant role in the re-creation of his identity. Arthur was recognised as a â€Å"notorious sissy†, and because of this Jack worried of the social implications it would consequently have on him by being friends with Arthur. â€Å"To put myself in the clear I habitually mocked Arthur, always behind his back, imitating his speech and way of walking, even betraying his secrets†, demonstrates Jacks desperation to acquire acceptance  from others, even if it meant denying a part of himself- a friendship- that actually made him happy at times â€Å"but I had withheld my friendship, because I was afraid of what it would cost me†. Jacks betrayal of Arthur imparts anger in the reader, as he attempts to impress people who are not his real friends. However his confused identity and lack of self-confidence justify his disloyal actions, particularly because of the circumstances he was faced with at such a young age. Parental neglect plays an important role throughout the memoir. This is first evident in  the text when Jack says â€Å"after all, he was in Connecticut and we were in Utah†, signifying the substantial physical and emotional distance between his birth father and himself. Fathers play an important role in their child’s upbringing and development. Due to this lacking in Jacks life, the responsibilities of growing up prove to be difficult for him, evident through his confused identity and troublesome ways. Furthermore, Rosemary’s ex-husband Roy plays a significant role in shaping the way Jack thinks and reasons, particularly from such a young and susceptible age. â€Å"I thought Roy was what a man should be†, reveals Jack’s naivety at  such a young age; as Roy, abusive and indignant, was in fact the complete opposite of â€Å"what a man should be†. Wolff is once again faced with a man, Dwight, who abuses him and sets a terrible example for him. His violent nature plays a major part in Jack’s development, which ultimately forms his identity. Dwight’s actions have such an influence that â€Å"Jack† writes about Dwight’s voice being ever-present in his head and own voice, even as an adult; even as a father. â€Å"I hear his voice in my own when I speak to my children in anger†. The sympathy felt by the readers for Jack is inevitable, as his brutal childhood is left with him for the rest of  his life. Although Jack makes it difficult for the reader to feel much affection towards him on some occasions, the abusive, neglectful and violent experiences he is confronted with at such a young and vulnerable age conveys a sense of understanding, which in turn rouse feelings of sympathy towards young Wolff. Jack lies constantly; whenever he is presented with the opportunity to. This frustrates the reader is some instances. Generally though, reasons for this are understandable, such as his confused identity due to the violent and emotionally unstable life he lives. The violent fights he associates himself with, and the betrayal of his  Ã¢â‚¬Å"best-friend† Arthur, leave the readers in a position to question whether his motives can be justifiable. However, these fights and betrayal are a reflection of his desire to be accepted by others, and the masculine, powerful man Dwight’s expects him to be. The lack of a real father figure largely affects Jack and all aspects of his character, from his deceitful ways, to his violent involvement in fights. Because of this, compassion and sympathy prevails over the occasional frustration felt towards Jack by the readers. In supposition, Jack is a helpless child seeking a happy life; an identity he is truly happy with.

Paying Collegiate Athletes Essay

A college is an educational institution, where students live together under a common set of rules. A college can be said to be a part of the university, which lack degree-awarding powers. Athletes can be said to be a collection of sport events. These sport events involve running, throwing and jumping, and can also be referred to as track or field athletes (Arlott . J, 1975). Athletics is very important in colleges and universities, where its benefits are undeniable. Anyone who is involved in athletics benefits. Athletics as sports teach the college athletes skills and experiences that cannot be taught in the classroom. These same skills are extremely helpful when students are looking for a career. Students who hold positions in the sport’s clubs acquire leadership skills. In sports students participate as a team. They support each other in order to succeed. They are able to learn and practice teamwork, which will assist them in undertaking other activities in their lives. Participation in a sporting event requires the dedication of the participant. Through sport events, students develop a sense of dedication to what they do. The desire to win drives the students to work very hard. They put aside their time and energy to take part in athletics. They later learn how to create desire for something and work hard to attain it. Collegiate athletics are found in numerous countries of the world. College athletics in the United States have the greatest impact and popularity globally. This is due to a large extent of participation. Due to the great importance and benefits that the college athletics offer, sport events continue to grow. There has been a general progression of athletic organizations over time. In recent years, a debate over payment of college athletes has raised concerns. The debate argues whether college athletes should be paid or not. Athletes do not receive any compensation even after the instatement of the collegiate athletics. There has been pressure for college athletes to be paid. On the other hand, another group of people feel that college athletes should not be paid. There are reasons that support the view against payment of college students. More voices are advocating for payment, with convincing reasons. The reasons that support payment of collegiate athletes will be discussed. Implementation of such a move would greatly benefit all the sports participants in colleges. Discussion College athletes need to be paid. One major reason for this is due to the great economic impact that the college athletics create. For example, in the US, college athletics are said to contribute greatly to the American economy. The colleges spend a huge amount of money on their college organizations. The athletes programs in turn generate a large amount of revenue. For example in the sale of tickets and merchandise it would be very fair therefore for college athletes who are major participants in generating revenues, to get a share of it. The athletes who help colleges make a lot of money do not get even the smallest share of it. Some look at this as students’ exploitation. They argue that if colleges benefit or make profit off of student athletes then the athletes should be paid since they helped the college make a lot of profit. In the world over, people believe that one should be paid for the work. Just like an employer, employees are paid according to their productivity. It would be very correct therefore to pay college athletes for their productivity in the sport events. In addition to profits that colleges earn from the sports or games themselves schools officials make a lot of money by marketing their team players. For example in USA, college students J. J Redick and Adam Morrison Jerseys have been sold all over the country, bringing in a lot of profits to the college. However, Morrison and Redick do not benefit from the profits earned. This is because they need to protect their status ( It’s an observation that college officials have no problem making a lot of money for themselves while exploiting ht well known college players. Well known players have their basketball or football jerseys dominate a market. The team officials make money from the sales, while the athlete himself gets nothing â€Å"millions of dollars are made off of video game and jersey sales every year (Jean. M. 2001 ). The players create great marketing opportunities and do not see any money made from the profits. The quality of play in a game is very critical for a future career. Paying college athletes helps in improving the quality of play they display during the major college sports. These games require skills and experience for a player to play well. Students who join professional sport clubs without experience and skills may end up being put on the bench. This limits their ability to gain required experience. This may be as a result of lack of payment if a student plays in a college team. This may ruin the student’s future sports career. By paying the college athletes, the students are encouraged to play for the college teams for a much longer time. This assists them in acquiring the much needed skills and experience for a future career in sports. Some students are very talented and it only requires practice to perfect their skills. This will also improve the college game because skilled players can remain for much longer. It is considered wrong, for schools to make money off of players, while the players do not benefit at all. When the players are paid, the quality of the college games is improved. This is because it becomes possible to keep borderline professional athletes in the involved colleges. The players can get more money at a professional level due to the already developed skills. Games coaches or officials sometimes demand a lot of time from the players in order to practice. This compromises on the time the players would work or maintain a job. Players who need to support themselves in order to make a living find themselves in a difficult situation. They are ton between participating in the games or working. If the players are paid, they can be able to put aside the required time for practice and participation in the games. It would make it easy for players to become committed in sports while at the same time earning a living. Gaming companies are given the right to use school names and numbers by colleges. The companies use these names and numbers at a fee to the respective college. The players have every right to enjoy money that is made by use of their names and numbers in the college. Players work very hard in sports and games (Athletic Journal. 1987). They commit their time to rain and play at the expense of doing their homework. Though they may balance between the two their fellow classmates who do not participate in games have more time to study than the players. They dedicate their time and energy in ensuring high quality games. Any hardwork and dedication that a person portrays need to be appreciated and recognized. Paying college athletes would fit so well in recognizing the student’s efforts in the growth of the game. In addition, to recognizing their efforts, players require to be motivated in doing their training and playing. Motivation encourages players to be determined even when they lose in a game (Charles. E. 1954). They keep on the faith and hope that there is always room for improving their skills and quality of the game. Motivation is a great ingredient towards success of players. Sometimes players may lose miserably to another team. The players may become discouraged to play since they may seem to believe that there are no benefits in their participation. The sports officials thereby step in to encourage them and train them to rectify former mistakes that they committed in the past matches. The players require more than just words in order to keep working on their skills. The need to motivate college students to work harder and improve their skills boils down to some way of rewarding them. One of the best ways to reward and encourage players would be by paying them. Any game event exposes the players to risks. One of the major risks that players are exposed to is injury. Players when in the pitch are involved in defending their team against losing while at the same time maximizing their chances of winning. This demand some form of aggressiveness to succeed. Aggressiveness means quick movements, tricky play (skills) and effective defense actions. When a player is doing all this, accidents may occur that lead to body injuries. These injuries may require intensive medical attention and may be very expensive to pay for the medical services. For example some players get fractured bones, broken joints and tissue damage. Some may even have their body organs impaired. Medication and healing of such body ailments may be too expensive for the players especially where no medical cover takes care of such accidents. The medical expenses may become an economic burden to the player and family. Paying the players, would therefore play a very big role in easing up of such a burden. It makes it easy for students to get the right medication if injured. Any college trains students on how to acquire skills and knowledge and apply them. Teamwork creates a spirit of working together towards success. This spirit is built by organizations and sport clubs in a college. The sport teams and clubs give the students a spirit to be one to work together and to support each other. A good example is the support students give their own team when playing. There is cheering and encouragement from their fellow students who are spectating. Winning a game gives the college students a spirit of victory or conquering especially if the team wins against a well re-known stronger team. This kind of spirit need to be maintained and encouraged in colleges. Maintaining the quality of game through players in order to keep this spirit burning needs a sacrifice. A sacrifice on the sports organization’s or officials may clearly translate into paying of the players. The spirit lives on. Colleges appreciate and recognize good players during the sports events. College students spend a lot of money on ticket in order to go and watch their own team play as well as showing their solidarity with the team. College athletes encourage community participation. The community that surrounds the college joins students in major sports events and offers their support. The community identifies the college team as belonging to them. Students’ parents come in big numbers to support their children in the sports events (Patricia. A. 2007). The students and the community are able to interact with each other, which creates good relationship between the students and the neighborhood. This promotes harmony and peaceful living in and outside the college. Supporting college athletes consequently results to support of community participation. Paying athletes is the greatest form of support that the players can get. Lack of community participation affects the relationship of students and the community itself. Community participation also encourages community service. The students are able to develop community service programs and later undertake activities that help the community in which they live in for example, cleaning exercises, organizing community programs funds rising and even providing support to disaster victims. This is a great way in which students can show support for the community. As earlier stated, community service will be developed in students, if they have a chance to interact and identify the needs of the community. Interaction through events offers a chance for the students to create a good relationship with the community. One way to encourage community service will be through support of college athletics . Paying the students/players may be just one of the effective ways to support athletics. Sometimes an argument is given that college athletes get scholarships. Therefore they have already been paid for their participation and efforts in games. However, other students benefit from scholarships without necessarily participating in the games. Paying college athletes will be a great way to promote justice in the student fraternity. Players feel that they have a right to be rewarded for their efforts. This may even encourage talented students who are discouraged to participate to change their mind and utilize their talents in athletics. In conclusion, college athletics are very important. These games should be given the seriousness they deserve. The players on the other hand need to be motivated for their hardwork and dedication. They deserve to be rewarded. Exploitation of college players by the officials or companies need to be stopped. All these measures require payment to the players and players will feel that justice is done to them. The spirit of college athletics will continue growing and so the future career of players.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Is Macbeth a Shakespearean Tragic Hero? Essay

In many of Shakespeare’s plays a tragic hero appears and is often the focal point. In order to conclude whether Macbeth’s character falls in to that particular category. I need to consider what factors create a tragic hero. The tragic hero often originates as a figure of greatness and someone with a high social status. His greatness often degenerates due to a character flaw of some kind. The essence of many of Shakespeare’s tragic heroes is that the seemingly good parts of their character turn against them and instigate their downfall. The character always suffers, which creates sympathy within the reader, especially as it is in contrast with previous happiness. Often the actions of the tragic hero create self-inflicted suffering. Other people are generally affected by his tragedy, but on differing scales depending on the play. A deep internal battle often rages within the tragic hero as he battles with his conscience, but he doesn’t often listen to reason. A key factor of the tragic hero is that the audience radiate much pity and sympathy for the character. Even though he has done wrong, he was once great, and he may feel remorse for his actions. At the end of the play the tragic hero invariably dies. This is often for political reasons, or for morale impact. Goodness must always prevail. One of the first factors I stated that creates a tragic hero is someone of greatness. Macbeth has much respect from others because of his braveness on the battlefield. â€Å"For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name- Disdaining fortune with his brandish’d steel.† Macbeth clearly has earnt praise from his peers and conducts approval from those of a higher social status. He is a loyal warrior, whose efforts are also acknowledged by even the King. â€Å"He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust.† Duncan recognises Macbeth’s greatness and evidently has a high opinion of him. He respects Macbeth to the point where he invests much trust within him and almost views him as an equal. These feelings from a King hugely re-enforce Macbeth’s greatness. â€Å"No less to have done so, let me enfold thee And hold thee to my heart.† This implies a close relationship of affection. Such a close bond conveys that Macbeth must appear a patriotic, and just man especially in the eyes of the King. He is rewarded by adopting the title of Thane of Cawdor. He is growing in social status which is another common trait of a tragic hero. The reader is soon to learn that despite the fact Macbeth appears to be a great man, there are many flaws in his character, the most poignant being excessive ambition. â€Å"Stars hide your fires Let light not see my dark and deep desires.† Macbeth appears shocked at his own evil thoughts. The witches’ prophecies have instigated the ambitious part of his nature to be accentuated. â€Å"†¦let us speak Our free hearts to each other.† Banquo does not share Macbeth’s ambition, so Macbeth lies to his friend. The reader starts to see the extent of Macbeth’s ambitious nature. â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem I dare do all that may become a man.† A huge character flaw of Macbeth is that he is easily influenced. Lady Macbeth holds so much power over him, and can manipulate him. She overpowers and influences Macbeth greatly and creates a reaction in him that favours her. This easily influenced part of his nature is also shown when the witches’ prophecies instigate evil thoughts within him. Another common flaw in a Shakespearean tragic hero is jealousy. Macbeth displays this very frequently. â€Å"(Aside) The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step On which I must fall down, or else o’erleap For in my way it lies.† Macbeth is jealous of Malcom, as he is the son of Duncan, this instigates more evil, murderous thoughts within Macbeth. This excessive ambition, jealousy, and easily influenced nature turn Macbeth into a murderer. Despite this, Macbeth knows that Duncan’s murder is not just. Macbeth continually battles with his conscience during the play, and much of this guilt is radiated in his soliloquy, when he can show his true feelings. † †¦As his host Who should against his murderer shut the door Not bear the knife myself.† Macbeth knows his role, as host should be to protect his guest: â€Å"here in double trust.† Macbeth acknowledges the fact that Duncan sees him in a great light and has great respect for him. Macbeth refers to the murder as â€Å"the bloody business.† A euphemism is utilised as Macbeth cannot accept what he is about to do and cannot face up to this evil side of his character. â€Å"This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, cannot be good.† Indecisiveness is heavily portrayed here as Macbeth is in a deep internal battle. He knows that treason is wrong, but he also longs to be King, he tries to convince himself his actions can be justified, but his conscience tell him otherwise. Macbeth wants to protect his own title and image, and doesn’t want to face up to the consequences of murder, but still agonises over the decision. Macbeth is evidently suffering greatly because of his conscience. He feels extremely guilty, but tries to hide this fact. We see much evidence of the effect his conscience has on Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me? The handle towards my hand?† This quotation conveys to the reader the extent of Macbeth’s suffering. He is affected mentally as he hallucinates and is haunted by disturbing images. â€Å"I had most need of blessing and ‘Amen’ Stuck in my throat.† Macbeth is denied the ability to turn to God. In killing the King he has commited treason against God, so his faith is refused from him. Insomnia is inflicted upon him, and Macbeth can find no solace. â€Å"We have scorched the snake, not kill’d it† This quotation conveys that Macbeth has no peace and stability; he knows he will need to keep on killing. He states his mind of â€Å"full of scorpions† clearly showing he is extremely traumatized. Macbeth progresses to be almost envious of Duncan and Banquo. â€Å"Better be with the dead†¦ Than the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy.† The murders have affected him in such a way that Macbeth yearns for the appealing peacefulness of death. These hint at primary suicidal thoughts, a hugely troubled mind is conveyed. We see more evidence of Macbeth’s guilt causing him great suffering when Banquo’s ghost haunts him. He can no longer keep control of himself, and his mental instability is conveyed to his peers. â€Å"Thou canst not say I did it; never shake Thy gory locks at me.† Macbeth visualises this apparition. His mental state is to the extent that he not only acknowledges the ghost, but also interacts with it, even though he is in the presence of his peers. Macbeth is highly affected by this hallucination. Not only does it affect opinion of him, but leaves him troubled and confused. Self-inflicted suffering is a poignant factor within a Shakespearean tragic hero, and another factor that applies to Macbeth. His conscience creates the ghost to be another reminder of the evil he has done. He cannot escape his guilt that his owns flaws and his own faults have manifested. Clearly the murders are having disastrous effects on Macbeth, but his actions also affect others. Macbeth’s need to kill results in him planning the murder of Fleance and Banquo. He is jealous of Banquo because he knows his children will never be King. â€Å"Upon my head they plac’d a fruitless crown And put a barren sceptre in my gripe.† Macbeth has a great determination to remain King and to protect his status. He almost becomes obsessed by it, and taking people’s lives becomes meaningless and just inevitable steps for him/ † Give to th’edge o’th’sword His wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls That trace him in the line.† He is portrayed as being more than willing to kill innocent women and children if they threaten his reign as King. Macbeth is a ruthless tyrant in protecting his throne. Macbeth’s actions do not just affect other people, but the earth itself. Macbeth has murdered the King, who was appointed directly by God. This Divine Right of the King means God will punish all earth fro allowing this act of treason occurs. Displeasing God is another common factor within a Shakespearean tragic hero. † Some say, the earth Was feverous and did shake.† This quotation infers how nature is heavily disrupted. Lady Macbeth is deeply troubled as a result of her husband’s actions. She is traumatised by her conscience, and her guilt overwhelms her. â€Å"Doctor Remove from her the means of all annoyance And still keep eyes upon her.† The Doctor appears adamant that Lady Macbeth will commit suicide, so advises Macbeth to watch over her. She hallucinates and mirrors other forms of suffering that Macbeth radiated. Eventually Lady Macbeth does kill herself, as she has been so heavily affected by her husband’s deeds. As a result of Macbeth’s obsession with remaining King, he proves to be an inefficient one. He is too preoccupied with his guilt and determination the whole of Scotland suffers from his lack of devotion. † Alas poor country Almost too afraid to know itself†¦ Where sighs, and groans, and shrieks that rend the air† This is yet another trait of a tragic hero. He, whether inadvertently or not, greatly inflicts suffering on others. Despite all of this, the reader still feels a sense of pity towards Macbeth. He was once great, and one of the great factors in him turned around to be his downfall. In many ways, Macbeth was influenced into his actions. To begin with the witches planted the idea into his mind, and pushed him into justifying his actions. Lady Macbeth instigated the murder, and manipulated him to carry through with this deed. The inferiority of her gender meant she needed him to act through. â€Å"But screw your courage to the sticking place And we’ll not fail.† Macbeth is very easily influenced, so can be manipulated continually by Lady Macbeth. We also feel a sense of pity, because Macbeth is so heavily affected by his actions. He is traumatised and destroyed. He often shows remorse and regret fro his actions. â€Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou Couldst.† Macbeth is tricked by the witches’ prophecies. He takes the apparitions literally and is lulled into a false sense of security. † For none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth.† We feel pity as Macbeth’s trust and faith in the witches’ predictions cause his death. He is tricked into feeling protected, but the witches’ words have other meanings. Readers often feel pity for the Shakespearean tragic hero, but despite this fact we accept he needs to die. Political and moral reasons dictate this fact. If he had lived, then murder and evil could be justified. Treason against the King or Queen or ultimately God could go unpunished. Resulting from the readers’ accumulating sympathy for Macbeth, there is some apparent sadness surrounding his death. He is extremely brave which creates much admiration fro him. â€Å"Though Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane And thou oppos’d being of no woman born, Yet I will try the last. Before my body, I throw my warlike shield.† Macbeth knows his death in an inevitable fact, but despite this he fights to the bitter end. We see some of Macbeth’s past greatness in his last moments. Macbeth can be portrayed as a victim, this fact and the fact that he does adds to the effectiveness of the play. It instigates a variation of emotions within the reader, which makes it an intense experience. Without Macbeth’s death, much of this would be lost. This ending complies with a tragic heroes exit to a play. I conclude that Macbeth can indeed be classified as a Shakespearean tragic hero. He radiates all of the factors I first portrayed a tragic hero to have. Macbeth falls from greatness due to a character flaw, his suffering is self-inflicted and this affects others. A continual battle with his conscience is conveyed within Macbeth, and the reader is made to pity him. We are left with a classic version of a Shakespearean tragic hero, and a very compelling character. Macbeth exuberates all of the common characteristics of one of Shakespeare’s favourite classifications, but is still an original figure, which greatly adds to the effectiveness of the play.